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Ask me WHY??

Recently our church has been developing and “Ask Me Why” initiative to highlight the importance of volunteering. Reading these responses over the past few days gives me all the feels. When I think of the things my hands get to hold, the student ministry at 3Circle church is the one I hold with the utmost gratitude. We get to do kingdom work together with our friends and I am blown away that God choose me. So, go ahead… ask me why!  

Glad you asked… :)

When I was in high school a youth pastor moved heaven and earth to get me to youth group. He was persistent and kind, and God used him to start my story.  An FCA leader took me to coffee after coffee and asked me questions like “What do you think it means to be a follower of Jesus?” Over dozens of chocolate chip frappuccinos she was discipling me, and I didnt even know it.  I had some of the MOST AMAZING Sunday school teachers a girl could ever ask for. They came to my ball games y’all. These memories are etched into my brain as if it were yesterday. Before I knew what it meant to fully trust Jesus, these people showed up, they cared for me, and they loved me. They were the catalysts that made me fall in love with Jesus. They changed my life. I can only hope to do that for others.  

Now, I mentioned that I serve with HEROES like the ones I mentioned above. Guys, let me tell you, over the past 6 years at 3Circle church I have seen adults love teenagers in way that you would marvel at. Some of you know, because you are one, or you know one. They have shown up at ball games, graduations, late night breakups, hospital rooms, summer camps, weekend retreats, and so much more. They have answered late night texts, walked students through messy divorces, loss of parents, illness, addictions, I could seriously go on for days. Maybe most important: they STAY. They stay through the hard days, cheer on the good days and pray for these students everyday in between. So to my ministry people, my partners in crime, the ones in the trenches, you are my HEROES, you are the real MVPs. Keep fighting the good fight. You are helping write stories just like mine.  

I am a little misty eyed about this because this weekend we will host UPRISE weekend retreat where a whole bunch of high schoolers will come together to grow closer to Jesus. Some will come encounter him for the very first time. This weekend my husband and I will link arms with our dear friends and we will go to work. These heros will stay up late, they will wake up early, play crazy games, they will have talks about breakups, bad decisions, and New Life. I could not be more honored to be a part.  CHEERS.

That is my “why”. If your eyeballs are reading these words would you pray for us this weekend? Would you pray for my friends, for the students and for a life changing weekend? If you see one of these heros give them a big giant hug, and a cup of coffee — they will need it!


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