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A few weeks ago I attended a conference, online, of course. One of the main themes was “things you have changed your mind about”. They interviewed several people, asking them what they have changed their minds about during this crazy little season we have found ourselves in. I thought it was a fun idea so here are some things I have changed my mind about during this season: 

  1. My neighbors. I have never not liked my neighbors (obv). I guess I just didn't realize how much I could LOVE my neighbors. Before we even moved in our house, TC and I were praying that we would be surrounded by great neighbors. Honestly, before this time our family was on the go a lot and we never really gave more than a quick, passing conversation. This season has allowed us to slow down and truly get to know the people we share space with - and they are AMAZING.   

  2. At home workouts. They are really not that bad - if you don’t mind the aforementioned neighbors hearing “firework” by Katy Perry on repeat while you do some burpees.

  3. Online church. Stay with me here. I know it is NOT the same as the physically gathered church. That being said, I am loving the innovation that churches are using to reach people where they are. I also love that families are having church together in living rooms, around dining room tables, at the beach. Wherever you are, church is there, too! 

  4. Take out. I have never really been a fan of take out until now. Mommas everywhere, do yourself a favor: don't mess that kitchen up for the third time today. Instead, get in your car, drive to your favorite place (mask & gloves, of course), order your favorite meal, drive home and eat it out of styrofoam containers. You are a queen, you have won the day. You are welcome.

  5. Food trucks, ice cream trucks, snow cone trucks, and anything else that will drive itself and its delightful treats to your driveway. I used to think they were creepy. I now know they are carriers of joy. They also allow me to see my favorite neighbors. (see #1 for reference)  

  6. Family time. I can not express how thankful I am for the time I have had with my family in this season. Don’t get me wrong we have like three really good days and then one day of complete chaos that feels like the whole world might implode. Overall, I have changed my mind on just how valuable TIME is. I will cherish these days - the good, the hard, and the crazy.  

Things I have not changed my mind about: 

  1. Homeschooling. I just can’t. 

  2. Church. We still need it. Online is amazing but I miss my people.  

  3. Hugs, handshakes, coffee meetings. I miss you. 

  4. SPORTS.

Honestly, this has been a weird little time for all of us. It has been good and it has been tough.  It has reminded me of what is truly important. In the middle of cancelled plans, events, and disappointment of things I have worked hard on not working out - It has reminded me that the God of the universe has not forgotten me. He has been and always will be in perfect control and He will always be changing my mind to bring me closer to Him.  

What have you changed your mind about?

Cheers to changing our minds, and not changing our minds.

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